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These tips were gathered from conferences, books, articles and other parents over the years. It's always best to check with your doctor before making changes to your child's diet.


  • Powdered Milk: Add to regular whole milk (1 qt. milk with 1 C. powdered milk), and substitute for regular milk in cooking. Add one or more tablespoons of powdered milk to yogurt, casseroles, bread, muffins, sauces, gravies, ground meat, casseroles, hot cereals, soups and mashed potatoes.
  • Milk: Always use whole milk instead of skim or 2%.
  • Cream, Evaporated Milk, and Sweetened Condensed Milk: Use instead of milk or water in recipes for pudding, cocoa, milk shakes and cream soups. Mix 1-2 tbsp. sweetened condensed milk with peanut butter and spread on toast.
  • Grated Cheese: Add to sandwiches, meats, potatoes, salads, vegetables, rice, pasta, and cream sauces. Use grated Parmesan cheese as a thickener and calorie booster to foods. Melt on sandwiches, hamburgers, fish, vegetable, eggs and desserts like stewed fruit or pies.
  • Cream Cheese and Cheese Spreads: Use on sliced fruit, sandwiches, crackers or bread.
  • Sour Cream: Add to vegetables and casseroles.
  • Yogurt: Add to ice cream, cereal, granola, fruit and shakes.
  • Ice Cream: Add to sodas, shakes or other milk drinks. Add to fruits, gelatin desserts, and pies. Blend with bananas and soft or cooked fruits.
  • Mayonnaise and Salad Dressing: Use on sandwiches, salads and cooked vegetables.
  • Carnation Instant Breakfast: Mix with milk.
  • Ensure and Pediasure: Drink as a meal or snack. Use instead of milk in instant pudding. Blend with ice cream for milkshakes.
  • Sustagen, Ensure, Chocolate weight gain powder from a health food shop: Mix any of these with milk or add cream as well, instead of using water.
  • Eggs: Add to French toast, pancake batter, gravies, meatloaf, hamburger, custards, puddings and sandwich spreads. Add chopped, hard cooked eggs to salads and dressings, vegetables and casseroles. (Do not use raw eggs in uncooked items.)
  • Peanut Butter: Add it to grains, ice cream, yogurt, sandwiches, crackers, toast, waffles, pancakes, meatloaf, cookies, bread, muffins and cakes. Spread on fruit or vegetables.
  • Fruit Juice: Make gelatin desserts with 100% fruit or vegetable juice instead of water. Add a bit less water when reconstituting frozen juices.
  • Honey: Add to fruit, fruit juice and muffins. Use as a glaze on meats.
  • Dried Fruits: Add to muffins, cookies, cereal, and grains.
  • Butter and Margarine: Add to vegetables, toast and sandwiches.
  • Hot Cereals: Make with milk or juice instead of water. Top with honey, jam, margarine, syrup or cheese.
  • Wheat Germ: Add to meat, bread, muffins, pancakes. Sprinkle on fruit, ice cream, yogurt, vegetables, toast. Use in place of bread crumbs.

Miscellaneous Tips

  • Serve fried foods, such as French fries, fried chicken, or hash browns.
  • Serve meat with extra gravy or sauce.
  • Bread or flour meat before cooking.
  • Fat is an important source of calories in the diet. It has twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrate.
  • Plan high calories snacks between meals.
  • Grapenuts and granola type cereals are higher in calories than other varieties of cold cereals.
  • Use canned fruits in heavy syrup. The calories are twice as high as those eaten fresh.
  • Grape juice and cranberry juice are higher in calories than citrus juices and vegetable juice.
  • Home health care agencies can provide samples of commercial high-calorie/high-nutrition products such as juices, milk products, puddings and thickeners. [Main] [Contact Us] [Events] [Family] [Fun] [Garden] [Misc.] [Photos] [Search] [Site Index] [Travel]

Copyright © Deborah Schilling/Thomas Bundy